Week 15

IMPORTANT DATES...                

DECEMBER 20                  1C & 1D Christmas Festivities (pm)

DECEMBER 21                  PJ & Stuffie Day
                                              Afternoon Christmas Movie

DECEMBER 22                  Winter Break


READING While they are reading the students are practicing the Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast. Chunky Monkey breaks a word into chunks that the student's already know.
RAINBOW WORDS 1C worked on reviewing their Rainbow Words ranging from Red to Yellow Rainbow Words. 

BOOK STUDY Based on the The Gingerbread Man, the students have studied the characters, setting, beginning, middle and end of the story. 1C did an amazing job writing about a three step process to catch the Gingerbread Man. They learned how to start sentences with First, Next, Last. I can't wait for the students to share their writing with other classes this coming Monday. To celebrate the end of our Gingerbread unit, the Grade 1s participated in a variety of Gingerbread themed centers. 

The students learned how to play a new board game based on the book of the Gingerbread Baby.
They rolled, cut out and decorated their very own gingerbread cookies.
The students learned a gingerbread math game that involved rolling two dice, counting the pips and coloring in the total number.
They made their very own Gingerbread Girl or Boy!
Our volunteer, Mrs. Hafso, read them the story of "Gingerbread Christmas" by Jan Brett. 
After reading the story, 1C ate one of their cookies. We made a graph to see where they took their first bite. I think the head was the most popular choice!


1C practiced counting backwards from a given number up to 10. They also learned a new counting strategy: counting on. 


The students had fun mixing primary colours with Jello. They picked their two primary colours and began squishing the colours together until they created their desired secondary colour. 


1C has started their journey to learn about Christmas Around the World. We have discussed our family traditions and learned about Christmas traditions that we hold in Canada. So far, they have visited the countries of Germany, Sweden, Holland (The Netherlands) and France. 

Germany invented the Christmas tradition of the Christmas tree (almost 500 years ago!) AND the making of gingerbread houses. 
In Sweden, people celebrate St. Lucia Day on December 13th which starts off the Christmas festivities.
In Holland, children put out their shoes (or clogs) by a window or fireplace to be filled by Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas travels by steam boat through the canals and travels through towns on a white horse.
The students were shocked to find out that in France people burn a yule log that burns for 7 days, Christmas Eve to New Years. Children leave their shoes by the window to receive little gifts brought by Pere Noel.

Christmas Greetings in Other Languages:
Mexico - Feliz Navidad
Brazil - Feliz Natal
South Africa - Geseënde Kersfees
Germany - Froliche Weinachten
Sweden - God Jul
Holland - Prettige Kersfeest
France - Joyeux Noel


Congratulations to our Student of the Week

Meet our Classroom Elf SNOWFLAKE!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Our Santa Letters

Christmas Yoga 

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