Week 4

MESSAGE FROM MS. STAROSTECKI... Hello RBES Families! This Monday our annual Fruit Fundraiser order forms were sent home! This fundraiser supports the Grade 4's year end trip to Camp Warwa! We order from DeSimon e Family Farms in BC. When making your orders and collecting from friends and family, please be sure to make your checques out to RBES . If you need a copy of the delivery form, you can click this link! These forms will be due Thursday, October 18th . We do not have an exact date of delivery, as it depends heavily on harvest, but we expect it to arrive in the 2nd or 3rd week of November. The Grade 4's thank you in advance for your support! - Grade 4 Team IMPORTANT DATES... OCTOBER 1 Orange Shirt Day OCTOBER 3 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm OCTOBE...