Week 4


Hello RBES Families!

This Monday our annual Fruit Fundraiser order forms were sent home! This fundraiser supports the Grade 4's year end trip to Camp Warwa! We order from DeSimone Family Farms in BC. When making your orders and collecting from friends and family, please be sure to make your checques out to RBES. If you need a copy of the delivery form, you can click this link! 
These forms will be due Thursday, October 18th. We do not have an exact date of delivery, as it depends heavily on harvest, but we expect it to arrive in the 2nd or 3rd week of November. The Grade 4's thank you in advance for your support! 
          - Grade 4 Team


OCTOBER 1                    Orange Shirt Day

OCTOBER 3                    Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm

OCTOBER 8                    No School (Thanksgiving)

OCTOBER 18                  Colour Science Day
                                           Fruit Fundraiser Orders due
                                           Scholastic Book Orders due

OCTOBER 19                  No School (PD Day)

OCTOBER 22-24             Book Fair

OCTOBER 23                  Parent/Teacher Meetings

NOVEMBER 1                No School (PD Day)


READING The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. This week they made it all the way to 4 minutes and 28 seconds! While they Read to Self the students are practicing the Eagle Eye and the Lips the Fish strategies. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Keep up the great reading 1C!

PRINTING This week the students practiced and refined their flagpole letters (l, i, j, k, t). I sent home a printing practice sheet for those letters and please return by Monday. The sheet provides some instructions and tips on how to refine your child's printing. 

ALL ABOUT ME I sent "All About Me" Bags home with some students this week. I will continue to do so at the end of each week. If your child has an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions, and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.


This week, the students learned how to sort 2D shapes and 3D shapes based on their characteristics.


1C voted on and decided what our classroom flag will look like. Our class will be known as the 1C Guinea Pigs!


This week we talked about the season of fall and its characteristics. The class used their five senses to describe all of the characteristics of fall.

1C collected various leaves on their Fall Seasonal Walk. The class listened to a story about Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and created their very own Leaf Man using the leaves they collected. 


Fall Seasonal Walk
Red Juicy Apples!

Fun in the Sun

Terry Fox Walk

Reading with Grade 3s!

I hope you had a fantastic weekend!


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