Week 34 & 35

All Grade One classes will be doing a building unit over the next month.  We are asking that students start collecting and bringing in the following materials by MONDAY, JUNE 10th.  Raid your blue bags / bins!
  • paper towel rolls
  • plastic lids of all sizes
  • small, clean yogurt / applesauce/ pudding containers
  • bottle lids / bottle caps
Thank you for your support with this project!


MAY 29                 Ripple Effect Fish Painting

JUNE 5                  Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm

JUNE 7                  BGRS Track Meet

JUNE 10                Building Science Day Supplies due

JUNE 11                Bike Rodeo

JUNE 12                Building Science Day

JUNE 17                John Walter Museum Field Trip

JUNE 24                Free Swim (AM)
                               Fun Day (PM)

JUNE 25                Free Swim (AM)

JUNE 26                Free Swim (AM)

JUNE 27                Free Swim (AM)
                               Last Day of School

LISTENING GAMES I read the book Swimmy by Leo Lionni to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book last week. Deep in the sea there lives a happy school of little fish. Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger, and the little fish are afraid to come out of hiding . . . until Swimmy comes along. Swimmy shows his friends how—with ingenuity and teamwork—they can overcome any danger. With its graceful text and stunning artwork, this Caldecott Honor Book deserves a place on every classroom’s shelf.
WRITING The students did a lot of poetry writing this week! I read the book "Crazy Like a Fox" by Loreen Leedy. They learned the characteristics of Simile Poems. They wrote three simile poems: Simile Safari, a Rainbow Simile and a Popsicle Poem. They shared their Simile Safari to the class.

The students in 1C learned how to decompose a number  and finished their Subtraction to 10 unit. This week, students started to learn how to count by 5s to 50. Be sure to practice at home! The students began to solve a new Math Mystery: The Case of the Bee Bandits.

The students have been learning all about animals and their habitats. The first three habitats they have learned about are forests, ponds and oceans. They drew realistic drawings of all three habitats and an animal that would live in the same habitat. The students drew a fox for the forest habitat; a seahorse for the ocean habitat; and a dragonfly for the pond habitat.  

Congratulations to our Student of the Week

Devon Lion's Canada Flag Pride Presentation (last week)

Planting Seeds With the Grade 4s (last week)

We Are Taking Our Plants Home (last week)

Outdoor Wide Games - Cat and Mouse
Bike Day


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