Week 5

Phew! What a great end to our week. The Terry Fox Walk was a huge success. The students of 1C will sleep well tonight, we took the long way (oops!). Ms. Starostecki needs to learn her way around Devon. There were a lot of laughs during the walk especially when they started to chant, "Hotdogs, hotdogs, we all scream for hotdogs!" We tracked how many steps we took during the walk and we made about 13 000 steps! Wow!

 We needed a little break...

Earlier this week, Grade 1C took part in a Bus Safety program. They learned about the rules of the bus, the emergency exits on the bus, and how to be safe around a bus.

Congratulations to our Student of the Week! We are so lucky to have you in our class.

Lanaguage Arts

I sent out the last of the All About Me bags, so this will be the final week. If your child receives an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.

The students are so close to meeting their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. On Thursday, we made it all the way to 9 minutes! The students were so proud of themselves that they had a mini cheer session. Great work 1C!

Next week, we will be starting the Rainbow Words program. Our Red Words for next week are:  a, all, and, are, at. Please take a look at the information sheet I sent home for more information.

This week in math, we focused primarily on number words. The students had multiple activities where they had to refer to their Math Word Wall (or sound out the number words) to link the number words to the appropriate numeral. They are really getting the hang of it!

Social Studies
This week, the students learned about Community Helpers and their roles in our community. We found out what some of our community helpers wear, who they work with, and what they use as "tools".

Please remember to complete and return the Family project on Monday (October 3rd). Each student will present their project to the class during the next week or so. This project ties in perfectly with our discussions about family and Thanksgiving. I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving!

The class continued to observe the seasonal changes that take place in the Fall. The students recorded some of these changes they have seen by drawing pictures and leaf rubbing in their Science Journals. The 1C's are also reviewing the four season cycle. They really enjoyed listening to the Seasons Song:
We had some great conversations about what Fall means to the students and here are some of the ideas they came up with:

Fall is...
a season

Colours of Fall...

Fall feels like...
winter is coming
leaves are all around
it is going to rain

Words that describe Fall...

Here are some pictures from their Fall Walk last Friday!

Have a great weekend!

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