Week 31
APRIL 29 - MAY 3 Education Week
MAY 1 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
MAY 7-8 Spring Photos
MAY 10 Bike Safety & Helmet Check
MAY 13 Canadian Flag Pride Day with Devon Lions Club
MAY 16 Scholastic Book Order due
MAY 17 No School - PD Day
WORDS THEIR WAY This week, the students have been learning about the "PL Blends". This week, our focus was words that begin with "PL" and the students sorted words like plus, plate, play, pledge.
LISTENING GAMES I read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to 1C last week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book last week. This is the delightful story of one very small and very hungry caterpillar who grows into a beautiful butterfly as he nibbles his way through the pages of the book. This exquisite book helps children learn about animals, numbers, the days of the week, and the importance of friendship and self-esteem.

MAY 1 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
MAY 7-8 Spring Photos
MAY 10 Bike Safety & Helmet Check
MAY 13 Canadian Flag Pride Day with Devon Lions Club
MAY 16 Scholastic Book Order due
MAY 17 No School - PD Day
RAINBOW WORDS The students learned new Purple Rainbow Words: help, home, house, how, long. The students will be assessed at the end of each week. Regular review of these high frequency words is highly recommended.
WORDS THEIR WAY This week, the students have been learning about the "PL Blends". This week, our focus was words that begin with "PL" and the students sorted words like plus, plate, play, pledge.
LISTENING GAMES I read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to 1C last week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book last week. This is the delightful story of one very small and very hungry caterpillar who grows into a beautiful butterfly as he nibbles his way through the pages of the book. This exquisite book helps children learn about animals, numbers, the days of the week, and the importance of friendship and self-esteem.
WRITING This week, the students dived into Poetry. The students shared their ideas of what they believed a poem was or had. They believed that a poem has rhyming, a poem is like a song, it has a beat, it is short, etc. We read a couple of shape poems, one about a star and one about a tornado. The third shape poem was "Lazy Jane" by Shel Silverstein.
The students used these poems as inspiration to write their own shape poem about Rain. As a class, we brainstormed words that are associated to Rain (what it feels like, smells like, tastes like, looks like, sounds like).
This week the students started their Subtraction unit. 1C was introduced to Linus Minus and the students came to realize that the strategies they used in addition are the same as subtraction. Some of the words associated to subtraction are less, take away, difference, minus, subtract. They used various strategies to solve subtraction equations such as drawing pictures (and crossing out), using small objects, using a number line and number chart, using their fingers or mental math. At the end of the week they solved a subtraction word problem.
The main topic this week was Earth Day! I read the book the Lorax by Dr. Seuss that sparked the discussion in ways we can take care of our Earth. The students moved through four stations to explore the topic of Earth Day. The students designed a Earth Day t-shirt, wrote down examples of things they can reduce/reuse/recycle, listened to books about Earth Day and made words out of the phrase PLANET EARTH.

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