Week 3

Language Arts
The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. While they Read to Self the students are practicing the Lips the Fish strategy. Lips the Fish gets their lips ready for the beginning and ending sounds.
As a whole group, we have been reading "It's Back to School We Go" by Ellen Jackson which illustrates and follows the daily life of a student in a variety of different countries such as Kenya, Russia, and the United States.
In Printing, the students practiced and refined their "half moon letters": c,d,g, and q.
I will continue to send home "All About Me" bags with some students each week. If your child has an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions, and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.

The students learned a couple of new terms in math this week. Subitizing and quantity. The students were introduced to the word quantity and how it means "how many" and how it is attached to a number. They also practiced counting two groups and finding out which has more or less. By the end of the week, the Grade 1's were able to count to 10 in different ways using a chart or a number line. We realized that a chart and a number line do the counting for us. That's easy! We had some fun and created a human number line!

In our Patterns unit, the Grade 1's created their own patterns this week using pattern strips. They created AB, ABC, AABB, ABB, and AAB patterns. It gave them a chance to get really creative in Math class.

The Grade 1's explored primary colours (red, yellow, blue) and secondary colours (green, purple, orange). They found out that in certain combinations, the primary colours created the secondary colours. Amazing!

Next, I introduced the terms tint and shade. The Grade 1's now know that when you add white to a colour it is called a tint and when you add black to a colour it is called a shade. We had fun exploring this concept by sorting paint swatches and arranging the swatches from lightest to darkest and vice versa.
Our little scientists, were shocked to find out that I could make "water walk" by arranging three jars beside each other. The outside jars were filled with water and the middle jar remained empty. I placed red food colouring into one of the outside jars to make the water a bright red and yellow food colouring in the other outside jar to make the water a bright yellow. Once that was complete, I folded a piece of paper towel and stuck one end into the red jar and the other into the empty middle jar. I repeated this step for the yellow jar. The little scientists in 1C were making all sorts of hypotheses but they are sure the water will turn orange. They still don't believe that I can make "water walk" but they are excited to find out the results on Monday!
Next week, we will be observing seasonal changes as we welcome the season of Fall.

Social Studies
This week in Social Studies, we discussed belonging to a school. We had a conversation about how each room had specific rules, may look different, and the feelings that are associated to belonging to a school.The students got to take a look at the school map and familiarize themselves with the layout of the whole school. We read a great book ("Knuffle Bunny: A Case of Mistaken Identity" by Mo Willems)that showcased rooms that we may find in a school. In fact, the class went on an adventure around the whole school to find the Knuffle Bunny. We went to the office, gym, playground, library, and had no luck finding him. But then when we returned to the classroom, we soon realized the Knuffle Bunny tricked us because he was stuck in the book the whole time! We loved the Knuffle Bunny story so much we created our very own classroom book about how we tried to find the Knuffle Bunny at the school. The class was given a chance to follow step-by-step directions to make a Knuffle Bunny of their very own, ask them to show you how!

Physical Education
This week, the Grade 1's followed a circuit and at each center they were to demonstrate a specific locomotor skill. They loved crawling through the tunnel and balancing on the wobble boards.

Enjoy the long weekend!

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