Week 30

APRIL 22                               No School - Easter Monday

MAY 1                                    Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm

MAY 7-8                                 Spring Photos

MAY 10                                  Bike Safety & Helmet Check

MAY 13                                  Canadian Flag Pride Day with Devon Lions Club

RAINBOW WORDS The students learned new Pink Rainbow Words: dad, going, good, has. The students will be assessed at the end of each week. Regular review of these high frequency words is highly recommended.

WORDS THEIR WAY The last two weeks, the students have been learning about the "S Blends". This week, our focus was words that begin with sc, sn, sw and the students sorted words like scout, school, swim, swing, snow, snake.
LISTENING GAMES I read the book Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens to 1C last week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book last week. This is a new tale about an old lesson...if you’re going to be lazy, others will outsmart you, which is exactly what Rabbit does to Bear after he chooses to be lazy instead of work. Rabbit continues to outsmart Bear until finally realizes he needs to stop being lazy if wants to get anywhere as a farmer.
WRITING This week, the focus was Opinion Writing. In this project students wrote about their favourite places in Devon. Students completed a planning page that helped them organize their ideas. They had to state their opinion about their favourite place in Devon and then list 3-4 reasons of why that is their favourite place. Using this planning page, 1C began to write them out into sentences.

1C finished off their addition to 10 unit by playing some new math games and being introduced to the relationship between subtraction and addition. They learned that in addition a part+part=whole and i subtraction a whole-part=part. They understood the concept right away, way to go Grade 1s!

Students started off our new unit Needs of Plants and Animals by writing out "I wonder" statements. These statements could include questions they may have about plants and/or animals. Hopefully we will be able to answer these questions by the end of the unit!

Later on in the week, I presented the students with a pile of photographs and each group was responsible for sorting the images into two groups and explain their sorting rule. I did not tell them what the sorting rule beforehand. The groups sorted the images in different ways such as animals vs. non-animals, outside things vs. inside things and living things vs things that are not living. Then, each group did a gallery walk and tried to guess what the sorting rules were for each of the other groups. I was so happy to see that one of the groups figured out the sorting rule I was looking for was living vs. non-living.
We came together as a group and I asked the students what makes something living and non-living. For example, non-living things don't move and living things do move. We put all of the images in a giant pile and the whole class worked together to sort them into either the LIVING group or NON LIVING group. There was only one image that we had a little debate over which was the photograph of the fruit. Eventually we concluded that the fruit was non-living once it is picked off a tree/plant.

The students compared living and non-living things and I listed some of their conclusions.

The students learned the difference between the words urban vs. rural. I read the book Country Mouse and Town Mouse and the students were asked to notice similarities and differences between the country mouse's home and the town mouse's home.
After the reading, the students were asked to create two community scenes: urban and rural. For the urban community they used warm colours and foam dabbers to create the sky background and in some way had to create buildings and skyscrapers with construction paper. For the rural community the students used cool colours (paint brushes and sponges) to create the sky and field. They coloured and added a barn, farmer and a pig to finish off their rural scene. 




Triathlon Training & Race!
3 Sports in 1: Swimming, Biking and Running





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