Week 23

I am proud to be leading Session 2 of the BOKS program at RBES! As a BOKS trainer, I cannot say enough wonderful things about this (free!) program. By the end of a program session, I have watched students become more confident, stronger and adopt a health-conscious mindset. The program aims to get elementary school aged children moving in the morning to help ready their brains for a day of focused learning. BOKS was founded on the principal that ACTIVE KIDS = ACTIVE MINDS. Research has show that exercise is the single most powerful tool that we have to optimize the function of our brains. Click on the link to watch a quick video about what the BOKS program is all about! I encourage you to learn more about the BOKS program at www.bokskids.ca. Mrs. Kloschinsky will be sending out an email with further information and a registration link next week. You have until March 1 to register your child and the BOKS program will begin on March 5th.
If you are interested in seeing BOKS in action, we will be hosting a BOKS Family Fitness Night on February 26th from 5:30-6:15pm. Feel free to stop by and join in on the fun!

IMPORTANT DATES...                

FEBRUARY 26                    Spell-A-Thon Pledge Forms and Money due
                                               BOKS Family Fitness Night @ 5:30pm

FEBRUARY 27                    Pink Shirt Day

MARCH 5                             BOKS Session 2 Begins

MARCH 6                             Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm

MARCH 22                            No School - PD Day

MARCH 25-29                       Spring Break


BOOK STUDY  This week the students started a new book study on The Love Monster by Rachel Bright. The students drew a new monster. This became the monster that they would love to create. They started writing a descriptive writing paragraph to go along with their drawing.

WORDS THEIR WAY This week, the students learned about the digraph CH. They provided me with words that start and end with the digraph ch.

READING While they are reading the students are practicing the Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake, Chunky Monkey, Flip the Dolphin strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast. Chunky Monkey breaks a word into chunks that the student's already know. Flip the Dolphin flip the vowel sound, try the long and short vowel sounds.


This week, the students focused on the strategy of counting on to 20 to determine how many more. The students also are practicing to count backwards from 20. They played "Around the World" to practice counting backwards. It was super fun!
Next week, the students are going to learn how to count by 5s to 100. This will be a great skill to practice at home, too!
The students also had a chance to finish up their 100th day necklaces.

To continue on in our Senses unit, the students discussed and labelled the part of the eye. We use our eyes for our sense of sight.

In 1C, we read the book "Me on the Map" by Joan Sweeney.
The book showed illustrated maps of a young girl's world: her bedroom, her house, her street, her town, her state, her country and her continent. Students created their own "Me on the Map" to show their location based on their town, province, country, continent and planet.

Congratulations to our Student of the Week

Wellness Day

Enjoy the Weekend!


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