Week 23

MESSAGE FROM MS. STAROSTECKI... I am proud to be leading Session 2 of the BOKS program at RBES! As a BOKS trainer, I cannot say enough wonderful things about this (free!) program. By the end of a program session, I have watched students become more confident, stronger and adopt a health-conscious mindset. The program aims to get elementary school aged children moving in the morning to help ready their brains for a day of focused learning. BOKS was founded on the principal that ACTIVE KIDS = ACTIVE MINDS. Research has show that exercise is the single most powerful tool that we have to optimize the function of our brains. Click on the link to watch a quick video about what the BOKS program is all about! I encourage you to learn more about the BOKS program at www.bokskids.ca . Mrs. Kloschinsky will be sending out an email with further information and a registration link next week. You have until March 1 to register your child and the BOKS program will begin o...