Week 9
NOVEMBER 6 BOKS Program Begins
NOVEMBER 7 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
NOVEMBER 8 Christmas Card orders due
NOVEMBER 9 Remembrance Day Ceremony
Family Movie Night
NOVEMBER 12 No School (Mid-Term Break)
NOVEMBER 15 Teacher's Pet: Dream Catchers
NOVEMBER 16 Scholastic Book Order due
NOVEMBER 23 Wellness Day (afternoon)
NOVEMBER 7 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
NOVEMBER 8 Christmas Card orders due
NOVEMBER 9 Remembrance Day Ceremony
Family Movie Night
NOVEMBER 12 No School (Mid-Term Break)
NOVEMBER 15 Teacher's Pet: Dream Catchers
NOVEMBER 16 Scholastic Book Order due
NOVEMBER 23 Wellness Day (afternoon)
LISTENING GAMES I read the book, How I Became a Pirate by Miranda Long to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. “Pirates have green teeth—when they have any teeth at all...” So proclaims Jeremy Jacob, a boy who joins Captain Braid Beard and his crew in this witty look at the finer points of pirate life by the Caldecott Honor–winning illustrator David Shannon and the storyteller Melinda Long. Jeremy learns how to say “scurvy dog,” sing sea chanteys, and throw food . . . but he also learns that there are no books or good night kisses on board: “Pirates don’t tuck.” A swashbuckling adventure with fantastically silly, richly textured illustrations that suit the story to a T.
READING The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. 1C made it all the way to 13 minutes and 4 seconds, way to go! While they reading the students are practicing the Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast.
RAINBOW WORDS 1C worked on the Orange Rainbow Words: my, on, of, said, the. Next week, we will begin on the Orange Rainbow Words they, to, up, we, with.
WRITING I read the book Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The students re-told the story by using puppets and wrote extensions to the story.
WRITING I read the book Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The students re-told the story by using puppets and wrote extensions to the story.
This week, students created, extended and labelled multiple patterns. They also created patterned socks for a witch!
On Friday, we reached our 40th day of school so Zero the Hero paid a visit to the classroom!
On Friday, we reached our 40th day of school so Zero the Hero paid a visit to the classroom!
This week, the Grade 1s reviewed the primary colours and secondary colours. The students sorted a group of objects that match each colour group. 1C used these skills to begin their collaborative colour wheel. They completed the three primary colours and will finish up with the secondary colours next week.
Congratulations to Our Student of the Week!
Halloween Fun!


Have a Good Weekend!
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