Week 12
The students are getting more and more practice using Chromebooks in the classroom. For Language Arts, they have been using a program called Teach Your Monster to Read. The link to access our classroom's login page is: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/513063 . You can also find it on the left hand side of the classroom blog under Links --- Language Arts. Your child's username is their first name.
Check out the other Language Arts and Math links that you can access at home. Students will begin using Mathletics next week.
NOVEMBER 30 Elder Florence Assembly
DECEMBER 4 Grade 1-2 Christmas Concert
DECEMBER 5 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
DECEMBER 7 No School (PD Day)
DECEMBER 14 Scholastic Book Order due (date may change due to Canada Post delays)
DECEMBER 22 Winter Break
DECEMBER 4 Grade 1-2 Christmas Concert
DECEMBER 5 Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm
DECEMBER 7 No School (PD Day)
DECEMBER 14 Scholastic Book Order due (date may change due to Canada Post delays)
DECEMBER 22 Winter Break
READING The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self and Read to Someone.While Reading to Someone, the Grade 1s were able to read for 13 minutes and 2 seconds! While they are reading the students are practicing the Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast. Chunky Monkey breaks a word into chunks that the student's already know.
RAINBOW WORDS 1C worked on the Yellow Rainbow Words: down, get, go, he, like. Next week, we will focus on the Yellow Rainbow Words: little, no, not, one, out.
BOOK STUDY Based on the book The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, the Grade 1s closely studied the characters, beginning, middle and end of the story. They designed their own gruffalo and use descriptive words to describe their gruffalo's body parts. Next week, they will begin to sculpt and write their first paragraph.
RAINBOW WORDS 1C worked on the Yellow Rainbow Words: down, get, go, he, like. Next week, we will focus on the Yellow Rainbow Words: little, no, not, one, out.
BOOK STUDY Based on the book The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, the Grade 1s closely studied the characters, beginning, middle and end of the story. They designed their own gruffalo and use descriptive words to describe their gruffalo's body parts. Next week, they will begin to sculpt and write their first paragraph.
The students practiced writing their numerals in the correct formation using simple rhyming poems. was all about number sense to 10. The students had multiple opportunities to use counting to find out how many and connect the quantity counted to a numeral.
Also, the students are showing, comparing and ordering numbers to 10 in a variety of ways.
Congratulations to Our Student of the Week
A Grade 3 Student Couldn't Wait to Read Us His Paragraph!
Wellness Day
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