Week 11


NOVEMBER 23                 Wellness Day (afternoon)

DECEMBER 4                   Grade 1-2 Christmas Concert

DECEMBER 5                    Early Dismissal @ 2:21pm

DECEMBER 7                    No School (PD Day)

DECEMBER 14                  Scholastic Book Order due

DECEMBER 22                  Winter Break


READING The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self and Read to Someone.While Reading to Someone, the Grade 1s were able to read for 10 minutes! While they are reading the students are practicing the Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish and Stretchy Snake strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast.

RAINBOW WORDS 1C worked on the Orange Rainbow Wordsbig, come, do, you. Next week, we will focus on the Yellow Rainbow Words: down, get, go, he, like. 

BOOK STUDY Based on the book The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, the Grade 1s closely studied the characters and came up with a list of character traits for each creature: gruffalo, mouse, fox, owl and snake. Through many reading opportunities, the students have been learning how to re-tell and sequence a story's events. 


This week was all about number sense to 10. The students had multiple opportunities to use counting to find out how many and connect the quantity counted to a numeral.

Also, the students are showing, comparing and ordering numbers to 10 in a variety of ways. 


The students explored ways they belong to a school. I read the book "Knuffle Bunny: A  Mistaken Identity" which is a story about a little girl that takes her favourite toy (the Knuffle Bunny) to school. The students went on adventure around Robina Baker to try and find the missing Knuffle Bunny.


The students learned about the colours of the rainbow. They used the name "ROY G. BIV" to remember the order of the colours. At the end of the week, they "Tasted the Rainbow" with various fruits and vegetables.

Congratulations to Our Student of the Week

Art Project
Andy Warhol Paintings

Dream Catcher In-School Field Trip

1C Made Bannock!


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