Week 33


As we approach warmer weather, I strongly urge parents to send their kids to school with a hat and a water bottle. We want our kiddos to be sun safe!

On another note, there are multiple school events coming up and permission forms to be filled out on Powerschool in order for your child to participate. These events include Newsies the Musical, Bike Week and Swimming Week. 


BIKE WEEK from May 14 to May 17th. Please bring your child's bike and helmet on Monday. Bikes will be kept in the Gym all week, pick up is on Thursday. 

NO SCHOOL (PD DAY) on May 18th.


SWIMMING LESSONS from May 22 to May 25th. In need of parent volunteers, especially for the change rooms. Please let me know if you are able to join us. 1C swims from 10:25-10:55am. We leave for the pool at around 10:05am. 

SWIMMING LESSONS from May 28 to June 1st. In need of parent volunteers, especially for the change rooms. 1C swims at 10:25-10:55am on Monday and Friday; 11:25am-12:00pm on Tuesday; and 8:45-9:45am on Thursday. 


NEWSIES the MUSICAL on May 29th. Permission form can be found on Powerschool.



LISTENING GAMES I read the book,  The Lorax by Dr. Seuss to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. The Lorax is an ecological warning that still rings true today amidst the dangers of clear-cutting, pollution, and disregard for the earth's environment. In The Lorax, we find what we've come to expect from the illustrious doctor: brilliantly whimsical rhymes, delightfully original creatures, and weirdly undulating illustrations. But here there is also something more--a powerful message that Seuss implores both adults and children to heed.

WRITING The students worked on planning the problem and solution for their fairy tale. Next week, 1C will begin writing their fairy tale draft.

DAILY 5 The Grade 1's are working towards staying focused for 15 minutes during each of their centers during Daily 5. During Daily 5, they complete all of their centers including Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listening to Reading and Word Work. Keep up the hard work Grade 1! 
While they reading the students are practicing the Tryin' Lion, Skippy Frog, Flip the Dolphin, Chunky Monkey, Stretchy Snake, Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish strategy. 
                   Tryin' Lion Try it again! Re-read the sentence. Try a word that looks and sounds right.
                   Skippy Frog who skips the word. Reads to the end of the sentence. Hops back and re-                         reads the sentence.
                   Flip the Dolphin tries the short vowel. If it doesn't sound right, flip the sound to the long                     vowel and try it again. 
                   Chunky Monkey looks for hunks and chunks they know inside a word. 
                   Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound                         slowly then say it fast. 
                   Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. 
                   Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word.

HOME READING The books will be exchanged every Friday. You may also read books from home or the library, just make sure you log it! Our classroom goal is to read (or have a book read to us) at least 7 books per week.

LIBRARY Please bring back your child's library book each Monday so they may exchange it for a new one.


1C continues to practice to count by 2s to 20. You can practice skip counting by twos with your child at home for extra practice. Here is a video that we watch in class as part of a movement break and a review of counting by 2s: https://youtu.be/OCxvNtrcDIs

The students learned to solve subrtraction word problems and counting back to subtract within 10. 1C can subtract using strategies such as using fingers, drawing pictures and using small objects.


1C learned the three steps of decision making. They were given various scenarious that they had to problem solve with a partner. They had to ask themselves:
1. What is the problem?
2. What are the possible solutions?
3. What is the best choice?

They also learned the keys to being a good citizen. They drew examples of what they believe a good citizen does in the community.


The students finished up their Building unit. This week we read the story Peter Pan and Jack and the Beanstalk.  The students were challenged to build a boat that would float on water. Also, for the past two weeks the students have been watching their bean plant grow.

Congratulations to our Student of the Week!

Bike Safety

An egg with a helmet.
An egg without a helme

Monet Inspired Art Project

Happy Mother's Day


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