Week 23
1C has been getting more and more practice using Chromebooks to enhance their learning. They are logging on independently and practicing their skills in various subject areas on multiple websites.
Language Arts Websites:
Math Websites:
Language Arts Websites:
- Teach Your Monster to Read - To log in, students just type in their first name
- ABCya - Letters
Math Websites:
- Mathletics - Log in information (username and password) are on a green strip of paper glued to the front page of their agendas.
- ABCya - Numbers
PINK SHIRT DAY on February 28th.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER due on March 16th.
FAMILY DANCE on March 22nd.
NO SCHOOL (PD DAY) on March 23rd.
SPRING BREAK from March 26 to March 30th.
LISTENING GAMES I read the book, 100th Day Worries by to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. Jessica's latest assignment is keeping her up nights. On the 100th day of school, she must bring in 100 things. Her classmates are all ahead o fher and she is getting desperate! Children will find their anxieties reflexted in Jessica's worries and appreciate her creativity.
1C completed the writing portion of their Over and Under the Snow project. I was so proud of their good copies. They are making sure they are mindful of their capital letters, spacing and punctuation at the end of the sentence. I loved reading their detailed sentences.
Later on in the week the students compared two books they have previously read using a Venn diagram. The two books were "The Hat" and " The Mitten" by Jan Brett. Once they compared both books, the students are now writing about what kind of animal would try to fit into the mitten next and the reason why the other animals would need to move over. Great writing Grade 1s!
DAILY 5 The Grade 1's are working towards staying focused for 15 minutes during each of their centers during Daily 5. During Daily 5, they complete all of their centers including Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listening to Reading and Word Work. Keep up the hard work Grade 1!
While they reading the students are practicing the Skippy Frog, Flip the Dolphin, Chunky Monkey, Stretchy Snake, Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish strategy.
Skippy Frog who skips the word. Reads to the end of the sentence. Hops back and re- reads the sentence.
Flip the Dolphin tries the short vowel. If it doesn't sound right, flip the sound to the long vowel and try it again.
Chunky Monkey looks for hunks and chunks they know inside a word.
Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound slowly then say it fast.
Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book.
Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word.
HOME READING The books will be exchanged every Friday. You may also read books from home or the library, just make sure you log it! Our classroom goal is to read (or have a book read to us) at least 7 books per week.
LIBRARY Please bring back your child's library book each Monday so they may exchange it for a new one.
This week, the students focused learned about the word estimate. They learned that they make estimates in math. Estimates are reasonable guess about how many. They practiced guessing on various manipulatives and visuals. On Thursday, I placed three jars filled with random objects and each student made a guess about how many were in each jar. 1C has some awesome estimators!
The students are also learning to skip count by 5s to 100. Your child can practice counting by 5s at home too!
The students are also learning to skip count by 5s to 100. Your child can practice counting by 5s at home too!
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