Week 19


We will be making a clay sculpture of a snowman on Thursday, February 1st from 2:06 to 3:06 pm. I would love some parent volunteers to help out with this class project. Let me know if you would like to join us!


TEACHER'S PET FIELD TRIP is on January 29th (in-school field trip 1 to 3 pm)Permission and payment for this in-school field trip may be filled out online on Powerschool. We will be painting so please send your child with a shirt that you do not mind getting dirty.

GRADE 1 ICE SCULPTURES on January 30th. Further information was sent out via email.

NO SCHOOL PD Day on January 31st.

SNOWMAN CLAY SCULPTURE on Thursday, February 1st (2:06-3:06 pm).

WINTER SEASONAL WALK on February 7th (weather permitting). Parent volunteers are welcome to join! If this is your first time as a volunteer please fill out the volunteer form at the office, thanks!

PENGUIN VISIT on February 14th (1:00-1:45 pm).

SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER is due by February 16th.

HOME READING The books will be exchanged every Friday. You may also read books from home or the library, just make sure you log it! Our classroom goal is to read (or have a book read to us) at least 7 books per week.

LIBRARY Please bring back your child's library book each Monday so they may exchange it for a new one. 


This week, 1C learned how to order numbers 11 to 20 in a variety of ways.  will The students also played a fun odds and evens game with a partner. Next week, 1C will count to 20 on a number chart and number line. They will learn that a number chart and number line do the counting for you!


LISTENING GAMES I read the book, The Hat by Jan Brett to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. A clever and appealing picture book. In pereparation for cold weather, Lisa takes her winter clothes out of their storage chest and hangs them up in the fresh air. A strong wind blows one of her knit socks off the line. A hedgehog sticks his head inside, and it becomes stuck on his quills. When a hen, goose, cat, dog, pig, and horse laugh at his appearance, he tries to salvage his dignity by telling each one that his new hat will keep him dry, warm, and cozy throughout the winter. When Lisa goes back to the clothesline, she sees all of the animals wearing her clothes on their heads. 

WRITING We read Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright. 1C brainstormed ideas of what snowmen should never do (i.e. drink hot cocoa, go into a bath tub). The students wrote a sentence based on the topic. Later on, they wrote about how they warm up when they are cold. Awesome writing Grade 1s.

WORDS THEIR WAY Throughout the week, the students explored the diagraph "sh" with words such as shark, shoe, ship.

RAINBOW WORDS Next week, 1C will be reviewing the Green Words. I encourage for you to practice Rainbow Words with your child to increase their exposure and improve their word recognition. I will be informally assessing each student at the end of each week to see if they are able to read and recognize their Rainbow Words. 

DAILY 5 The Grade 1's are working towards staying focused for 15 minutes during each of their centers during Daily 5. This week they completed all of their centers including Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listening to Reading and Word Work. Keep up the hard work Grade 1! 
While they reading the students are practicing the Flip the Dolphin, Chunky Monkey, Stretchy Snake, Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish strategy. 
                   Flip the Dolphin tries the short vowel. If it doesn't sound right, flip the sound to the long                     vowel and try it again. 
                   Chunky Monkey looks for hunks and chunks they know inside a word. 
                   Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound                         slowly then say it fast. 
                   Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. 
                   Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word.


In 1C, the students are learning the changes and preparations animals go through in preparation for the season of winter. We learned about the snowshoe hare, the fox, the bear, the groundhog, certain birds, skuunks, raccoons, toads, snakes and bats.
Check out the video of a fox searching for food in the winter. The kids loved watching this video!


1C have been learning about maps. This week, I read the book Me on the Map. The students are locating their continent, country, province and town. They have started on a project which should be completed by the end of next week.


Congratulations to our Student of the Week


Kimochis with Paige (Japanese word for feelings)

Meet Bug!

Have a fantastic weekend!


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