Week 11


Please fill out a BGRS Volunteer form as follows:

1. If volunteering in the classroom, parents must come to the office and sign in on the computer - you will be directed to fill out the form if you haven't done so already. You can ask Mrs. Chiesa and/or Mrs. Horrocks for a blank form.
2. If volunteering on a field trip, you do not sign as they won't be at the school, however, you must have a form filled out and on file in the office.

Thanks so much for you help with this. If parents want to volunteer for field trips, etc. they must fill out a volunteer form that can be found in the office.


ASSEMBLY PERFORMANCE 1C and 1D are performing a song about nutrition during Friday morning assembly. Parents are welcome. 

NO SCHOOL on December 1st (PD Day). 


SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER due by December 8th. If your book order purchase is intended for a Christmas gift please let me know so I can put it in an envelope and send it home or it can be picked up at the school.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT on Tuesday, December 19th. 1C will perform at 1:10pm and 6:30pm.

WINTER SEASONAL WALK on December 21. Parent volunteers are welcome to join us. 

LAST DAY OF CLASSES on December 22.

CHRISTMAS BREAK December 23rd to January 7th

MILK PROGRAM You can order milk tickets on your PowerSchool account. 

HOME READING The books will be exchanged every Friday. You may also read books from home or the library, just make sure you log it! Our classroom goal is to read (or have a book read to us) at least 7 books per week.

LIBRARY Please bring back your child's library book each Monday so they may exchange it for a new one. 


This week, 1C's math goal this week was to count to 10 on a chart and a number line. The students understand that a chart and number line count for them and are great math tools to use!


LISTENING GAMES I read the book, Where the Wild Things Are by  to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. It is a story about about a little boy named Max who misbehaves and is sent to his room by his mother, without his supper. While Max is alone in his room, his imagination takes him faraway to a land where wild things live. Max tames these creatures but soon grows tired of being in the land of the wild things and longs to return home "where someone loved him best of all." The end of the story finds Max back in his own bedroom, where his supper is waiting for him.

WRITING 1C focused on making sure all of their sentences had a capital letter, proper spaces and a period at the end of their sentence. This week they wrote about what peace feels like, sounds like, tastes like, looks like and smells like. I will be collecting all of their wonderful ideas and placing them in a book about peace. 

WORDS THEIR WAY Throughout the week, the students explored the -ad and -an word family with words like man, can, fan, dad, mad, sad.  

RAINBOW WORDS Next week, we will be working on the following Orange Words: big, come, do, you.  I encourage for you to practice Rainbow Words with your child to increase their exposure and improve their word recognition. I will be informally assessing each student at the end of each week to see if they are able to read and recognize their Rainbow Words. 

DAILY 5 The Grade 1's have reached their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. This week they made it all the way to 17 minutes and 10 seconds! So proud of your accomplishments Grade 1! Since they have reached their Read to Self goal they have now started working on reaching a 15 minute reading goal in Reading to Someone. This week they made it all the way to 7 minutes and 56 seconds. While they reading the students are practicing the Chunky Monkey, Stretchy Snake, Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish strategy. 
                   Chunky Monkey looks for hunks and chunks they know inside a word. 
                   Stretchy Snake reminds the students to "S-T-R-E-T-C-H" it out and to say each sound                         slowly then say it fast. 
                   Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. 
                   Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. 


This week, 1C students explored in ways they belong to a school. The students belong to a class (1C), a grade (1), a school (Robina Baker) and have a school mascot (the Robina Raptors). Since they belong to a classroom, they were given a chance to vote and create their very own classroom flag. 1C loves their new mascot, The 1C Kittens!


This week, in our Creating Colour unit. The students learned that light can separate into the colours of the rainbow. There are different ways we can separate light. You can shine a light through a prism and place a water glass on a table and place it on a white piece of paper. Shine a flashlight through the glass and a rainbow appears on the paper!

Highlights of the Week...

Congratulations to our Student of the Week

Enjoy the long weekend!


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