Week 12

MESSAGE FROM MS. STAROSTECKI If you have not already done so, please send a pair of headphones for your child. 1C will be learning how to use Chromebooks on Wednesday. The headphones will be kept in a safe place in the classroom. The students need to have headphones while they are using the Chromebooks. Also, on the inside cover of your child's agenda you will also notice a green strip of paper. This paper contains your child's log in information for Mathletics. This is an awesome website if you would like your child to practice their math skills during their screen time at home. The students will learn how to log into their Mathletics account next week. REMINDERS NO SCHOOL on December 1st (PD Day). KIDS CHRISTMAS PAINT DAY on December 3rd . CHRISTMAS ELVES Please bring in a non-perishable food item and/or toy to help families in need this holiday season. The class that brings in the most items wins a prize. Collection b...