Week 4


Phew...what an exciting week in 1C! We had a Fall Walk, Picture Day, fire drill, Orange Shirt Day AND the Terry Fox Walk. I just want send out a huge thanks to all of the parents and volunteers for their help this week, I couldn't have done it without you! On another note, you should be very proud of your first grader. They followed the expectations, they were respectful and pushed through long walks even though they may have been tired. Way to go Grade 1, Ms. Starostecki is blown away by your awesomeness!


HOME READING will begin on Monday. I will be sending home a book in a Red folder. There will be some information and a log book inside the R.E.D. (Read Every Day) folder. These books will be signed out under my name so please try not to lose them 🙂. The books will be exchanged every Thursday. You may also read books from home, just make sure you log it! Our classroom goal is to read (or have a book read to us) at least 7 books per week.

RAINBOW WORDS will be sent home on Monday. Please take a look at the information sheet I sent home for more information. Please keep the Rainbow Words key ring inside their Mail Bag at all times. Students will use the rings at school and will practice them at home. Our Red Words for next week are:  a, all, and, are, at. I encourage for you to practice Rainbow Words with your child to increase their exposure and improve their word recognition. I will be informally assessing each student at the end of each week to see if they are able to read and recognize their Rainbow Words.

EARLY DISMISSAL will be on Wednesday, October 4th. School will be let out at 2:21pm.

NO SCHOOL October 9th Thanksgiving

SCHOOL PHOTOS must be completed by October 10th (can also be ordered online).

LIBRARY 1C has library every Monday. Please make sure your child brings back their library book so they can exchange for a new one!

INDOOR SHOES  If your child has difficulty tying their shoes independently, please purchase the bungy laces or lock-up laces for their inside shoes. It will really save some time getting ready during certain transitions and ensures their safety during gym class.

SNACKS & BIRTHDAYS In an effort to provide students with the healthiest environment I can, I am encouraging you to provide healthy snacks for school snacks and celebrations (i.e. birthdays).
Some healthy snack foods:
  • Cereal with milk 
  • Low-fat cheese melted on a whole-grain tortilla 
  • Fresh cut-up fruit with yogurt for dipping 
  • Graham crackers and low-fat milk 
  • Yogurt or Yogurt Tubes
  • Vegetables and low-fat dip 
  • Fruit
  • Whole-grain crackers or toast with peanut-free butter or hummus
  • Fruit salad 
  • Low-fat string cheese 
  • 100% juice
  • Whole-grain muffins or bagels


This week the students finished up their Patterns unit. They practiced replicating, extending and creating various numeric patterns and they were challenged to  the students to identify and create a pattern that has more than one attribute.


DAILY 5 The Grade 1's continue to work on their goal of 15 minutes during Read to Self. This week they made it all the way to 4 minutes and 20 seconds! While they Read to Self the students are practicing the Eagle Eye and Lips the Fish strategy. Eagle Eye serves as a reminder to look at the pictures for clues when reading a book. Lips the Fish looks at the beginning and ending sound of a word. Keep up the great reading 1C!

WORDS THEIR WAY The students practiced sorting their beginning consonant sounds (Tt, Gg, Nn, and Pp). They can sort most of the sounds independently and they tried sorting them with a friend.

PRINTING This week the students practiced and refined their bounce letters (r, n, m, h, p, b)I will be sending a printing practice sheet for those letters on Monday and will be due by Friday. The sheet provides parents with some instructions and tips on how to refine their child's printing. 

ALL ABOUT ME I sent "All About Me" Bags home with some students this week. I will continue to do so at the end of each week. If your child has an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions, and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.

LISTENING GAMES I read the book, Late for School by Melinda Long to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were centered around the book this week. We created a Story Map to go along with the book.


This week focused on the season of Fall. After the Fall Walk, the class shared their observations during the walk. The Grade 1s also discussed how they know it is the season of fall (what sort of changes do they notice?).We created a fantastic couple charts to help us remember all of the things we love about fall. Take a look!

Lastly, we discussed the seasonal cycle and how the four seasons move through the year like a wheel. They listened to this song to help them remember. 

Our Walking Water Experiment turned out pretty cool!
Yellow and Red make Orange!
Yellow and Blue make Green!

Red and Blue make Purple!

PS. The students really love to listen to this song about the primary and secondary colours. Click here.

Highlights of the Week...

Fall Walk

Here, There, Where

Terry Fox Walk


Enjoy the weekend!

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