Week 37


June 19 to June 23 - Swimming Lessons
June 26 - Free Swim (volunteers needed)
             - Fun Day
June 27 - Seasonal Walk & Splash Park (parents are welcome to join)
              - Fun Day Rain Out
June 28 - Free Swim
             -  Last Day of School
Congratulations to our Student of the Week!

Language Arts

I read the book, House for a Hermit Crab by Eric Carle to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities revolved around this book. This classic and favorite with all children of an underwater journey of a hermit crab who shows us not to be afraid to grow up. As he begins to outgrow his shell, he's scared, but he finds friends along the way that make him feel better and help him decorate his new marine environment.  1C continues to work on  Phoneme Addition (i.e. "Lane. Add /p/ to the beginning of lane. What's the word?"), Phoneme Substitution (i.e. "Rope. Change /r/ to /s/. What's the new word?" and Phoneme Deletion (i.e. "Say trouble. Say trouble without the /t/.") You can try any these activities at home with your child.
Image result for house for a hermit crab

In Writer's Workshop, the students focused on Poetry this week. They discovered rhyming words in poems we read as a class and they wrote their very own Acrostic Poem.  The students used topic words about summer.


This week, we started completed our Measurement Unit. The students worked through activities that explored the concepts of length, area, mass (weight), and capacity (volume). They completed a unit quiz on Thursday. Everyone did so well, way to go Grade 1s!


This week, the students continue to review and classify animals: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds, and fish. They completed their project on Friday, take a look:

Social Studies 

Students presented their Family Homework Project. The students loved learning about how life was like when their grandparents were in Grade 1. They thought it was CRAZY that families had to use a party line phone OR that they used a washboard and ringer to wash their clothes. Thank you to all the families that took time to complete the project!

Highlights of the Week


Swimming did not tire us out...

Let's do some stairs!



Have a fantastic weekend!

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