Week 26


March 24               -PD Day (No School)
March 25- April 2 -SPRING BREAK (No School)
April 6                   -John Walter Museum Field Trip
April 7                   -Golden Greenhouse Field Trip
                               -Zirka Performance
April 14                 -Good Friday (No School)
April 17                 -Easter Monday (No School)
April 18                 -PD Day (No School)
April 19                 -Scholastic Book Order due
April 21                 -Earth Hero Day
  • Please make sure your child is reading their home reading book, record and send back to school each Monday. Any additional books that your child reads may be recorded in their R.E.D. folder reading log. 
  • 1C has library time on Thursdays. Please bring your library books in by Thursday so that your child can take out a new library book.

Language Arts

I read the book, Everything Spring by Jill Esbaum, to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities revolved around the non-fiction book. These pages burst with bibrant photographs of baby animals and close-ups of buds and growth. Esbaum uses poetic prose to connect children with the joy of the season: "Spring tiptoes in,/stirring up earthy/smells, coaxing/color from the/winter-brown woods," Students will recognize themselves in the eager, tentative duckling taking to water. A climax of an oncoming storms sends animals scrambling for shelter.  1C continues to work on  Phoneme Addition (i.e. "Lane. Add /p/ to the beginning of lane. What's the word?"), Phoneme Substitution (i.e. "Rope. Change /r/ to /s/. What's the new word?" and Phoneme Deletion (i.e. "Say trouble. Say trouble without the /t/.") You can try any these activities at home with your child.
Throughout the week, the students explored the "cl" "fr" "fl" "cr" blends with words like crack, crown, crab, climb, clown, frog, frame, fruit, fry, flower, flag, fly. The students did a guided drawing of a crab.

During Writer's Workshop, the students continued with the unit, Fairy Tale and Realistic Fiction Writing. This week, the students reviewed the elements of a fairy tale and began planning their fairy tale by brainstorming ideas for the characters, setting, magic, the problem and setting.


We will continue to review skip counting by 2's to 20. You can practice counting by 2's from 0 to 20 at home with your child. We will begin counting by 5's after Spring Break.
This week, the focus was on adding up to 10 using a number chart and number line. The students also learned a new math game called 'Addition Snap' using cards.


We entered into a new season...SPRING! Even though the weather does not reflect the ideal spring weather the students have been reading books and looking at images about Spring. Hopefully, after Spring Break we will have a chance to go on our Spring Seasonal Walk to observe seasonal changes.

Social Studies

This week, the students learned about the contrast between Then & Now. We compared a school from 100 years ago to a school nowadays. Our ancestors may have looked like these people...

Have an amazing Spring Break!

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