Week 25

Happy St. Patrick's Day from 1C!


March 23               -Family Dance (Tickets can be purchased online)
March 24               -PD Day (No School)
March 25- April 2 -SPRING BREAK (No School)
April 6                   -John Walter Museum Field Trip
April 7                   -Golden Greenhouse Field Trip
April 19                 -Scholastic Book Order due
  • Please make sure your child is reading their home reading book, record and send back to school each Monday. Any additional books that your child reads may be recorded in their R.E.D. folder reading log. 
  • 1C has library time on Thursdays. Please bring your library books in by Thursday so that your child can take out a new library book.
Congratulations to our Student of the Week!

Language Arts

I read the book, Clever Tom and the Leprechaun by Linda Shute, to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities revolved around the book. When Tom Fitzpatrick finds a leprechaun, he thinks his fortune will be made with the leprechaun's gold. Clever Tom soon learns that the leprechaun is more clever than he has ever dreamed of being! 1C continues to work on  Phoneme Addition (i.e. "Lane. Add /p/ to the beginning of lane. What's the word?"), Phoneme Substitution (i.e. "Rope. Change /r/ to /s/. What's the new word?" and Phoneme Deletion (i.e. "Say trouble. Say trouble without the /t/.") You can try any these activities at home with your child.
Throughout the week, the students explored the "sl" "pl" "bl" blends with words like sleeve, slide, blue, black, blouse, play, plus, plane. The students did a guided drawing of a sloth.

During Writer's Workshop, the students began a new and exciting unit, Fairy Tale and Realistic Fiction Writing. Today, they learned about the elements of a fairy tale and brainstormed some fairy tale characters and settings for their upcoming writing piece. They had lots of fun and thought of some creative characters!


We will continue to review skip counting by 2's to 20. You can practice counting by 2's from 0 to 20 at home with your child. We will begin counting by 5's after Spring Break.
This week, the focus was on counting on to add to 10. The students practiced saying the bigger number first then using fingers/circles to count on.


This week, the students shared ways a person can protect their senses. We created an anchor chart to list our ideas for each of the senses.

Later on in the week, the students learned about different abilities. They can now name some aids that can assist people with sensing their environment, for example, seeing-eye dogs, glasses and Braille. The students learned two new terms this week: blind and deaf.

Social Studies

The Grade 1's finished up their "My Devon" project for Student-Led Conferences. They look great!
For the rest of the week we talked about influential Canadians: Marc Garneau, Terry Fox, Alexander Graham Bell, and Wayne Gretzky.


For the last two weeks, the students have been gathering inspiration from Georgia O'Keefe's art work. This week they completed their very own adaptation of her work using oil pastels and chalk pastels. Here are a few pics of some of the kids hard at work!

Have an awesome weekend!

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