Week 22


March 1    - Early Dismissal
March 3    - PD Day (No School)
March 15  - Scholastic Book Order due
March 22  - Seasonal Walk (Spring)
March 23  - Family Dance
March 24  - PD Day (No School)
March 25- April 2 - SPRING BREAK (No School)
  • Please make sure your child is reading their home reading book, record and send back to school each Monday. Any additional books that your child reads may be recorded in their R.E.D. folder reading log. 
  • I cannot stress the importance of practicing the Rainbow Words with your child every day. Read about the benefits here : http://www.k12reader.com/six-benefits-of-teaching-sight-words/ Students are assessed every Monday.
  • 1C has library time on Thursdays. Please bring your library books in by Thursday so that your child can take out a new library book.
Congratulations to our Student of the Week!

Language Arts

I read the book, D is for Dragon Dance by Ying Chang Compestine, to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities revolved around the book. From firecrackers to noodles, from red envelopes to the zodiac, young readers are introduced to the exciting traditions of the Chinese New Year in this accessible and visually stunning homage to the holiday. 1C continues to work on  Phoneme Addition (i.e. "Lane. Add /p/ to the beginning of lane. What's the word?"), Phoneme Substitution (i.e. "Rope. Change /r/ to /s/. What's the new word?" and Phoneme Deletion (i.e. "Say trouble. Say trouble without the /t/.") You can try any these activities at home with your child.

Throughout the week, the students worked with the "sp" "sm" "sk" blend by completing picture sorts. The students did a guided drawing of a spider and named him/her!

During Writer's Workshop, the students continued to improve on their opinion writing. They learned how to add more reasons to their opinion to make it more convincing when presenting to their peers. They were really focused while writing their first paragraph about what their favourite things were. Awesome job, Grade 1s!


We will continue to review skip counting by 2's to 20. You can practice counting by 2's from 0 to 20 at home with your child.
To start off our addition unit the students practiced basic addition to 5. They learned how to add within 5 using different strategies to add (fingers, pictures, and small objects). New terms include: addition, equation, symbols, and sum.


This week, the students learned about the eye.  We discussed the parts of the eye and how they serve important roles in protecting our eyes. After a quick survery, the class discovered that there are 11 blue-eyed people, 4 brown-eyed people, 1 green-eyed person, and 2 hazel-eyed people. Following the eye, the students learned about their fingertips. I read a book about touch to the students and reviewed some of the vocabulary we learned earlier this unit (i.e. texture). The students brainstormed examples for each of the four texture words (squishy, hard, rough, and fuzzy).

Social Studies

This week, the students of 1C learned about Land. The students provided me the definition of 'land' and provided numerous examples of land. I coordinated this lesson with our Ted Harrison Art project.


The class started a new artist study this week, the Canadian artist Ted Harrison. This afternoon, The students began to work on their prairie landscape watercolour and they will finish up next week. I can't wait to see how they turn out!


Have a fantastic weekend!

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