Week 10

Halloween was tons of fun in 1C. We had a Halloween Costume Parade, carved a pumpkin, played Spider toss, created a Halloween craft, and created a special Halloween cookie (yum!). Grade 1C looked great in their costumes.

Oooooo pumpkin goop!

Our classroom pumpkin looked great on Halloween night!


November 9             Remembrance Day Ceremony (10:35-11am)
                                 Christmas Card Orders due
November 10-11      No School Midterm Break
November 18           Scholastic Book Orders due

Congratulations to our Student of the Week! Keep up the great work!

Language Arts

I read the book, Owl Moon by Jane Yolen to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were centered around the book this week. It is a lovely story that takes place on a winter's night, a young child and father go into the woods to go owling. There was some great vocabulary describing the moonlight, mystery, and magic of being in the woods at night time. The father and child hope to catch a glimpse of an owl.

This week in Writer's Workshop, Grade 1C were introduced to Simple Sentences. The students determined that Simple Sentences need the following: an ending punctuation (. ? !), spaces in between words, interesting words (i.e. "disgusting" or "potion"), a captial letter at the beginning, make sense, and have one thought. Throughout the week, the students explored the -at word family with words like cat, bat, sat, hat, mat, fat. The class chose to do a guided drawing of a cat today and wrote a simple sentence about their cat. All of the cats looked sooo cute!
If you would like to try some guided drawings at home, please visit Art Hub on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub). It is a fantastic resource!
Also, our class reached our goal of 15 minutes for Read to Self. The students independently read their books for 16 minutes and 31 seconds! Wowee! The students will now focus on building their stamina while Reading to Someone. Unfortunately, we won't be reading with the Kinders until November 16th but that gives us time to practice.


1C started a new unit this week, Numbers to 20. The students were pretty excited to learn that they now have to use 2 ten frames to represent numbers up to 20. In one of the opening activities in Math, they reviewed how to use and count tally marks.
On Halloween, Zero the Hero came for a visit because on that day we reached our 40th day of school!


1C are diving into a bit more detail in their Seasonal Changes unit. This week, they reviewed the Seasonal Cycle and they helped me create a classroom anchor chart that depicts the four seasons in their cycle.
Today, the students worked on creating a winter landscape in their Seasons Book which included some icicles, a snowman, snowflakes, and a frozen pond. Great work team!

Social Studies

This week the class started talking about the importance of Remembrance Day. The students shared their thoughts and feelings regarding peace and why everyone must show their respect on Remembrance Day. Some students associated peace to having no wars; others suggested that it meant to be calm and kind to others. I read A Poppy Is to Remember by Heather Patterson to the class to help the students understand why a poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day. This afternoon, our class teamed up with Mrs. Nuttall's 1D class to make wreaths for the Remembrance Day Ceremony (Wednesday, November 9th). On Wednesday, please try to have your child dressed formally. Cubs, Sparks, Brownies, and Cadets are encouraged to wear their uniforms.

Enjoy the warm weather this weekend!

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