Week 7


Robina Baker Elementary School is collecting socks for Youth Empowerment Support Services. The socks need to be brand new (no used ones). Thank you, in advance, for your participation.
Field Trip October 25, You can pay online via Powerschool.

R.E.D. Reading Log:
Please remember to fill out the reading log EVERYTIME you read a book with your child. Our classroom's goal is reading 5 books per week. Each time they read 5 books in a week I will put their name in for the draw for 2 tickets to Laser City.

Dressing for the Weather:
Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. The days are getting colder and some of the students are coming in after recess stating that they were very cold. Suggested items: jacket, hat, snowpants/splash pants, mittens/gloves.


  • Milk will be distributed at lunch next week (possibly Tuesday).
  • Alberta Art Gallery Field Trip is on Tuesday, October 25th. The cost of the field trip is $19. Payments can be made through Powerschool. 
  • All book orders must be in by Friday, October 21st. 
  • Please bring back R.E.D. folders every Monday so that your child can get their home reading book exchanged. 
  • Parent Meetings are on Tuesday, October 25th (3:15pm-7:30pm) and Wednesday, October 26th  (3:15pm-7:45pm).
  • Congrats to our Student of the Week, 1C is proud of you!

Language Arts

Each week, I focus on one book and the students participate in multiple phonological listening games each day centered around that book. The repeated exposure of a book allows the students to explore new vocabulary, observe left-to-right tracking, increases success in retelling a story, and builds an interest of various book genres. This week, I read the story Stellaluna by Janell Cannon to the students. It is a story about a baby bat that was separated from her bat family and ended up living in a bird's nest with a bird family. 1C will be revisiting this story next week as they embark on our Bats cross-curricular mini-unit.

IC started a new Rainbow Word activity this week. They worked on Rainbow Writing in their Word Work folders. The students used their Red Rainbow Words during this activity and wrote each of them in each of the colours of the rainbow. It is nice to see that the students are starting to recognize some of their Rainbow Words in books that they are reading in the classroom or at home. Keep up the great work!
On Friday, the Grade 1's had their first Writing Workshop and they focused on appropriate spacing between words in sentences they created.
In Daily 5, the students are practicing a new reading strategy for Read to Self, it is called Stretchy Snake. They "s-t-r-e-t-c-h" the word out by saying each sound slowly then saying the word fast. The class is using rubber bands as a visual for stretching out the sounds.


Grade 1C are learning how to use the terms greater than, less than and equal to. I demonstrated the use of these math terms by using an alligator puppet. The classroom alligator is pretty greedy and always likes to eat the group with the largest number (< or >). Yum yum! However, he can never decide which group to eat when two groups have the same quantity so he keeps looking back and forth (=).


On Thursday, the students practiced mixing colours on Chromebooks. The students had some fun mixing the various colours within the primary coloured shapes.

The students were introduced to warm and cool colours. They created gorgeous leaves using only the warm colours. The class decided that the warm colours are: red, orange, pink, light brown, and yellow. The class also decided that black, blue, green, and purple were the cool colours.
On Friday, the students linked their Creating Colour unit and their Watercolour unit (in Art) by using warm coloured watercolours to paint a sunset. Their sunsets looks amazing!

Social Studies

The class will continue to present and share their Family Heritage projects. The presentations have been really great so far. The students are working on using a strong voice while presenting. During a presentation, the other students are working towards showing respect by demonstrating whole-body listening.

Our Thankful Turkeys

See you Monday!

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