Week 6
This week, Grade 1C had their first experience with Chromebooks! After a lot of patience and review of the many rules and procedures, they started to get a bit more comfortable using a Chromebook. They learned how to long on (with their username and password), locate the letters, and how to change a lowercase letter into an uppercase letter. They will continue to use Chromebooks throughout the year across various subjects.
Congrats to our Student of the Week, keep up the great work!
Language Arts
The students of 1C continue to search for the Red Rainbow Words (a, at, all, and, are) in the books they were reading for Read to Self and/or in their interest books. I encourage for you to practice Rainbow Words with your child to increase their exposure and improve their word recognition. I will be informally assessing each student at the end of each week to see if they are able to read and recognize their Rainbow Words. Next week's Red Rainbow Words are: but, can, for, have, I.
The class finished up their Sort 4 in the Words Their Way program, this included sorting pictures into their beginning consonant sound groups. The letter sounds for this week were L, J, W, K.
To tie into our discussions surrounding Thanksgiving, each student created a Thankful Turkey. The Thankful Turkey was a shared writing activity and as a class we listed all the things that we are thankful for. The students picked the words that were meaningful to
This week, we completed the last of our All About Me bags. Next week, 1C will be reviewing the letter sounds with some fun songs and games. It is important for the students to master this skill in order to be strong readers and writers.
The students were introduced to Zero the Hero. Zero the Hero is a story that introduces the students to the hundreds chart and groups of 10. Each morning we have a Morning Meeting and we track the number of school days with tally marks. We can't wait for 100th day. Zero the Hero lends the students a hand and helps the students skip count all the way to 100.
This week, the students learned how to use Ten Frames as another tool to show quantity. Grade 1C is learning how to show numbers in multiple ways using number words, drawing a number of objects, tally marks, numerals, and ten frames.
Social Studies
The Family Heritage Presentations are a really great way to get to know our classmates' families. It has really sparked some great conversations about traditions. We will continue with the presentations until the end of next week. 1C students are still a little shy when presenting in front of their classmates, but practice makes perfect! At the moment, they are more comfortable when answering classmates' questions. They will continue work on this skill throughout the year.
I read the book Mix It Up by Herve Tullet to review the terms tint, shade, primary and secondary colours with the students. Tint is when we add white to a colour to make it lighter. Shade is when we add black to a colour to make it darker. The primary colours are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colours are purple, green, and orange. The students had a BLAST creating their own Mix It Up book. They had a lot of fun getting messy with paint. They can't wait to show their families.
Character Education
This month's assemblies are focused on the character trait of Respect. I will be supporting this focus in the classroom by introducing them to "Filling a Bucket". They will be working on becoming bucket fillers in the classroom, school, and hopefully at home as well. On Friday, I read the book Bucket Filling from A to Z by Carol McCloud and the students received some ideas on how they can fill buckets. Each student will have their very own bucket in the classroom with a punch card inside, each time they fill someone's bucket they will get a hole punch. Once a student has 20 hole punches on their punch card, they will have a special lunch with the teacher.
School-Wide Reading Contest:
Our school is participating in Laser City's Read to Win Contest. Laser City recognizes the importance of reading in a child's education and wants to encourage children to build reading into their daily routine. Students who meet their classroom reading goals will enter to win 2 free games of laser tag at Laser City. We will do the draws each month at the Assembly and 4 students will be presented with a certificate. The prize is good for 3 months. Students can enter as many times as they like during the month. The entry box is in the Library. The more you read, the more chances to win! We restart the contest every month. Happy Reading!
Home Reading Tips:
Reading at home makes a HUGE difference!
Book Orders:
I will be sending you an email with a welcome letter and step-by-step guides on how to order your child's books online. This month's book orders are due by Friday, October 21st.
School Photo order forms are due on Tuesday, October 11th. Orders can be made online.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats to our Student of the Week, keep up the great work!
Language Arts
The students of 1C continue to search for the Red Rainbow Words (a, at, all, and, are) in the books they were reading for Read to Self and/or in their interest books. I encourage for you to practice Rainbow Words with your child to increase their exposure and improve their word recognition. I will be informally assessing each student at the end of each week to see if they are able to read and recognize their Rainbow Words. Next week's Red Rainbow Words are: but, can, for, have, I.
To tie into our discussions surrounding Thanksgiving, each student created a Thankful Turkey. The Thankful Turkey was a shared writing activity and as a class we listed all the things that we are thankful for. The students picked the words that were meaningful to
This week, we completed the last of our All About Me bags. Next week, 1C will be reviewing the letter sounds with some fun songs and games. It is important for the students to master this skill in order to be strong readers and writers.
The students were introduced to Zero the Hero. Zero the Hero is a story that introduces the students to the hundreds chart and groups of 10. Each morning we have a Morning Meeting and we track the number of school days with tally marks. We can't wait for 100th day. Zero the Hero lends the students a hand and helps the students skip count all the way to 100.
This week, the students learned how to use Ten Frames as another tool to show quantity. Grade 1C is learning how to show numbers in multiple ways using number words, drawing a number of objects, tally marks, numerals, and ten frames.
Social Studies
The Family Heritage Presentations are a really great way to get to know our classmates' families. It has really sparked some great conversations about traditions. We will continue with the presentations until the end of next week. 1C students are still a little shy when presenting in front of their classmates, but practice makes perfect! At the moment, they are more comfortable when answering classmates' questions. They will continue work on this skill throughout the year.
I read the book Mix It Up by Herve Tullet to review the terms tint, shade, primary and secondary colours with the students. Tint is when we add white to a colour to make it lighter. Shade is when we add black to a colour to make it darker. The primary colours are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colours are purple, green, and orange. The students had a BLAST creating their own Mix It Up book. They had a lot of fun getting messy with paint. They can't wait to show their families.
Character Education
This month's assemblies are focused on the character trait of Respect. I will be supporting this focus in the classroom by introducing them to "Filling a Bucket". They will be working on becoming bucket fillers in the classroom, school, and hopefully at home as well. On Friday, I read the book Bucket Filling from A to Z by Carol McCloud and the students received some ideas on how they can fill buckets. Each student will have their very own bucket in the classroom with a punch card inside, each time they fill someone's bucket they will get a hole punch. Once a student has 20 hole punches on their punch card, they will have a special lunch with the teacher.
School-Wide Reading Contest:
Our school is participating in Laser City's Read to Win Contest. Laser City recognizes the importance of reading in a child's education and wants to encourage children to build reading into their daily routine. Students who meet their classroom reading goals will enter to win 2 free games of laser tag at Laser City. We will do the draws each month at the Assembly and 4 students will be presented with a certificate. The prize is good for 3 months. Students can enter as many times as they like during the month. The entry box is in the Library. The more you read, the more chances to win! We restart the contest every month. Happy Reading!
Home Reading Tips:
Reading at home makes a HUGE difference!
- First graders start as emergent readers recognizing some sight words but will soon be using their strategies to read and understand more difficult texts.
- Choose books that match your child's likes and interests.
- Read book bag books, library books, and any book you have in your house
- Please try to read with your child every night and record it in their log book each time. As a class, our goal is to read 5 times a week.
Book Orders:
I will be sending you an email with a welcome letter and step-by-step guides on how to order your child's books online. This month's book orders are due by Friday, October 21st.
School Photo order forms are due on Tuesday, October 11th. Orders can be made online.
Happy Thanksgiving!