Week 4

A lot of excitement in Grade 1C this week! On Wednesday, we had a special guest (a soldier!) come into our classroom and talk about the history of Lord Strathcona Horse Musical Ride.

Shortly after, the Grade 1's gathered outside for a short presentation about a horse named Sam and one of the soldiers that rides him. The Grade 1's learned about the various equipment that is used during the Musical Ride and even got a chance to pet our new friend Sam!

Language Arts
During Read to Self this week, Grade 1C made it all the way to 6 min. and 15 sec.! I am so proud of them, they are really working hard in building their Read to Self stamina.

The students practiced sorting their beginning consonant sounds (Tt, Gg, Nn, and Pp). They can sort most of the sounds independently and they tried sorting them with a friend.

I will continue to send home "All About Me" bags with some students each week. If your child has an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions, and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.

This week, Grade 1C continued to work with number charts and number lines. On Wednesday, they learned the new skill of "counting on" up to 10, as well as, counting backwards from 10. The students said that counting backwards was "way too easy". Let's see if I can challenge them next week with a harder task! On another note, currently we are finishing up our Patterns unit.

I made the water walk! These are the colours our "walking water" created (we've got one more to observe):

We took a little break from our Creating Colour unit for a chance to explore the seasonal changes that are happening all around us. This week we talked about the seasons, specifically, the season of fall. On Thursday, we took advantage of a beautiful day and went outside to build animal shelters and collect various leaves. 

We are learning about the four seasons, which is a tricky concept for the littles in Grades One. We are learning the differences between the four and that they are a 'cycle'.  Here is a song that offers a great visual for the fours seasons, as well as a short video about Peep & Chirp discovering fall.  Please share them with your kiddos at home when you get a chance.

Social Studies
The students discussed ways in which they belong to a family and created their very own family tree, some of the kiddos created really detailed drawings of their family members. The dialogues were quite entertaining to overhear. I can't wait to display the finished products.
Be sure to check out the Knuffle Bunny books, Grade 1C love them!

Physical Education
This week, the Grade 1's focused on locomotor skills: jumping, hopping, skipping, walking, and running. They put in their best effort to try to execute each of the skills properly. On Thursday, they had the opportunity to follow a Grade 4 relay that required them to use all of the locomotor skills they practiced earlier in the week. They did AMAZING. So much fun, everyone enjoyed themselves!

The season of fall brings cooler temperatures, please be sure to dress your child accordingly.

If your child does not know how to tie their shoes yet, please purchase the bungy laces or lock-up laces for their inside shoes. It will really save some time getting ready during certain transitions and ensures their safety during gym class. 

Picture Day is on Wednesday, September 28th. Can't wait to see Grade 1C looking their best!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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