Hello Parents!

The Grade 1's have experienced their first full (almost!) week. The students are starting to find their way around the classroom as they practice their daily routines. They are starting to understand that they serve an important role in the classroom. All of our families should be super proud of their first grader because they are kind, helpful, and brighten up our classroom in their own special way.

Our weekly learning adventures included:

We continued to work on two units: number sense (with a focus on numbers 1-20). This week we ordered numbers from 0-10. Each student was responsible for organizing a set of number cards and writing their numbersw in order from 0 to 10. Also, we practiced proper number formation with the help of some number formation poems! The students really enjoyed the book "Chicka Chicka, 1, 2, 3" by Bill Martin Jr.  that explained number formation in an interesting way.
In our pattern unit, the students began their week by sorting objects by one attribute. We moved on to describing and duplicating patterns such as: AB patterns, ABC patterns, AABB patterns, ABB patterns, and lastly AAB patterns. Next week, we will begin to extend and create our own patterns!

Language Arts:
This week, the students continued to work on their Read to Self Stamina, they made it all the way to 3 minutes today...YIPEE! Our goal is 15 minutes and we are well on our way to reaching that goal. They were all very proud of themselves. They continue to use the 3 Ways to Read a Book (pictures, words, retelling) while reading to themselves.
I will continue to send home "All About Me" bags with some students each week. If your child has an All About Me bag, please follow the instructions, and return the bag after the weekend. We will use these bags to learn more about our classmates, learn about asking/answering questions, and participate in shared writing.

Social Studies:
In our current unit, we talked about what belonging to a group means, what it might look like, and how it makes us feel. The students did a fantastic job naming some examples of groups that they belong to such as sport teams, family, school, daycare, and church groups.

This week the class explored colours. We sang the Colour Song to get our bodies moving in the classroom. Later on in the week, the students took part in an activity where they had to draw examples of specific colours. Let me tell you, these kids are pretty observant! Lastly, today the students were given the role of a scientist and experimented with mixing various colour combinations. The students had a blast shaking up the water bottles and watching the colour change. They collected their data in their Interactive Science Journals and shared their findings with the class.

Healthy Hearts:
On Tuesday, we learned about our brains. The students discovered that their brains are the size of their two fists put together. Amazing! They learned about the role of the Guard Dog (amygdala), the Wise Owl (pre-frontal cortex) and the Happy Hippo (hippocampus). On Walking Wednesday, we took advantage of the beautiful day and went outside for a walk around the school grounds. On Yoga Thursday, the students stretched their bodies and practiced their breathing. On Fun Friday, we had our weekly Dance Party at the end of the day by pretending to be pirates, monkeys, and gummy bears!

Physical Education:
This week we learned all about the art of walking and jogging versus running.The students had to focus and learn to control their bodies. They learned to swing their arms, look forward, and step from heel to toe. They really enjoyed playing Hot Dog Tag and Tent Tag. It was a fun week in PE!


Please bring a water bottle for your child to use during the day inside the classroom. It would really minimize classroom disruptions. I have a lot of thirsty first graders in my class!

I will be updating the blog weekly. Please check regularly for your child's learning and classroom events! If you would like to contact me by email, please use natalia.starostecki@blackgold.ca . Thanks!

Enjoy the weekend!
Ms. Starostecki

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