Week 27

REMINDERS SPRING BREAK from March 26 to March 30th . NO SCHOOL (EASTER MONDAY) on April 2nd . EARLY DISMISSAL on April 4th. GOLDEN GREENHOUSES FIELD TRIP on April 5th . Permission and payment can be found on Powerschool. Parent volunteers are welcome to join us, please let me know if you would like to volunteer! The field trip information sheet was emailed out to parents last week. CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS on April 12th . SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER due on April 19th . DENTAL HYGIENIST VISIT on April 19th . SPRING SEASONAL WALK on April 27th . LANGUAGE ARTS LISTENING GAMES I read the book, to 1C this week. Our phonological awareness activities were focused around the book this week. When Koala Lou's mother becomes so busy that she targets to tell her firstborn how much she loves her, Koala Lou enters the Bush Olympics, intending to win an event and her mother's love all at one time. ...